The COVAX Humanitarian Buffer: Explained

The COVAX Humanitarian Buffer has made its first delivery, sending over a million doses to Iran for Afghan refugees in the country. But what is the Buffer and why is it so important?

26 Nov 2021 | 1:06




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18 May 2020

Q&A with Jonathan Stambolis, CEO of Zenysis Technologies

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16 April 2020

Why a gender lens is needed for the COVID-19 response

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6 April 2020

When is COVID-19 most contagious and why is self-isolation so important?

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2 April 2020

Why human impact on the environment is leading to infections like COVID-19

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1 April 2020

What kind of tests are there for COVID-19?

Large-scale testing for COVID-19 could help solve some of the mysteries surrounding the virus that are still puzzling scientists.

26 March 2020

What is herd immunity?

The idea of herd immunity as the solution to the COVID-19 pandemic has triggered heated debate, but what is herd immunity and how does it work? 

25 March 2020

Why is coronavirus lockdown necessary?

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13 March 2020

What is an emergency vaccine stockpile and how can they prevent pandemics?

We don’t yet know how the COVID-19 pandemic will progress and how long it will take for a vaccine to be developed, but the knowledge and experience gained from past outbreaks can be applied to the global response to coronavirus. 

Last updated: 29 Nov 2021