To date, Gavi has protected over 888 million children with vaccines, saving over 15 million lives in the long term. We are focused on results and are constantly looking to innovate to make vaccines available for children who need them the most.

As an alliance, collaboration and partnerships are key to increase our impact and achieve our ambitious goals. This is why we need creative problem-solvers, open-minded team-players and compassionate leaders.

Seven reasons to choose Gavi


Our mission to improve and save millions of people’s lives will motivate and give you a sense of purpose


You will join an organisation with a unique business model that delivers results and measurable impact


We value innovative ideas and invest in innovations that help us reach more people with life-saving vaccines


We are committed to fostering a just, equitable and diverse culture free from racism and discrimination in which all staff, partners and stakeholders feel empowered, safe and heard.


You will work in a culturally diverse environment with over 70 nationalities and a mix of people from both public and private sectors


You will collaborate with renowned partners such as WHO, UNICEF, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, World Bank and Global Fund


You will be proud to work in the first global health organisation certified for equal pay between men and women

November 12, 2019


Gavi is a performance-focused learning and knowledge organisation where you are expected to challenge and be challenged every day

October 15, 2019


We are looking for mission-oriented, collaborative, open-minded and flexible candidates who are passionate about global health.

November 12, 2019

Internship programme

Both our Geneva and DC offices welcome talented and motivated individuals to join our internship programme, designed to advance your career and give you an opportunity to contribute to Gavi’s mission. We are committed to diversity and encourage…

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Last updated: 30 Nov 2021

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